As the title implies, the book is about Jesus' life, but told from his best friend Biff. It goes from when Biff meets Jesus (in the book they call him Joshua) all the way up to when Josh is crucified. It is fascinating, seeing how a fiction book follows the gospels almost exactly. But I suppose seeing as it's based on the life of Jesus, it kind of has to go along with the Bible.
I guess what I didn't like about it, is that it seemed really long...There was a lot of detail to it, but I just found that it continued on and on even though it didn't have to. I will however, recommend it to people who like to laugh a little when they read, because this book would definitely be for them. I also would recommend it to someone who isn't religious...or at least someone who is but doesn't get offended easily when someone pokes fun at Jesus. I could see that if this book every became popular, the church would have a lot of problems with it. That always does seem to happen though. Take the Da Vinci Code book for example...I think that people need to lighten up and realize that it's made up, and has no truth to it, even if the author believes it does. Honestly, if a fictional book can change your faith, then obviously, you didn't have strong beliefs...but I digress...
All in all, it's a pretty good book! Onward, to the last book of Fairul's! Until next time, Happy Reading!