Saturday, September 19, 2009

Slammerkin (↑)

I've finished another book. Slammerkin by Emma Donnahue. I liked it a lot. It shows how rigid society was in the 18th century, and how it is difficult to rise above your current situation into a better life. For some reason, I found it slightly disturbing when I first started reading it, but I believe that that was because it was about prostitutes.

The book was about a girl named Mary Saunders who lived in 18th century London. She got pregnant from a ribbon vendor (she wanted a ribbon, but the only way to get it was to give the vendor a kiss, however, the man raped her). Her mother threw her out, and from there she became a prostitute. She gave up being a prostitute and moved back to her mother's hometown, where she became an apprentice to her mother's friend. A few other things occur. But i don't want to give away the whole story so I'll just leave it at that.

I definitely recommend it to people who like more historical novels, however, it is 400 pages long, so be in for a long read.

Anyway, I hope to be able to finish reading another book quickly, but I am in university again, so it might be a bit more delayed. Until next time, Happy reading!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Can You Keep a Secret? (↑)

I've finished another book. Yes quite quickly, but to be honest, I don't have much else to do before I head back into the city for school. Anyway this book is Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella. Very easy read, as you can tell. I started it this morning, and I finished it just now. There's not much thinking to be done about this book. It's pretty basic chick lit, and I would recommend it to any female who wants a good pick me up book, or beach read, or cozy, rainy afternoon read.

Basically, it's about a woman who is stuck in a rut in her life, without her knowing it. She randomly meets a man on a flight with whom she shares all her darkest and most private secrets. She then finds out that this man with whom she shared her secrets, is actually the owner of the company she works for. Of course, many events ensue from this occurrence. Basically, she turns her life around, and becomes who she wants to be, just be falling in love with this man.

Simple idea = simple book. Still enjoyed reading it though! Onward to the next book! Until next time, happy reading!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You Suck: A Love Story (↓)

I've finished the last of Fairul's books. This one being You Suck: A Love Story by Christopher Moore. It was dumb. Plain and simple. Easy read, but I honestly was rushing to get through it, because I couldn't wait to get on with a book with real substance. At least now it's finished.

Basically the book is about a vampire woman who changes her lover into a vampire, and from there they endure a lot of people chasing after them to try and hunt them down. Quite the story, and is quite retarded.

I definitely wouldn't recommend this unless you want a brainless read to take your mind off your life.

Hopefully, I can continue on and read books with actual substance. Until next time, Happy Reading.