Sunday, October 11, 2009

Paperback Writer (↓)

I've finished a book. Sadly this one isn't quite as good as others that I've read. It is Paperback Writer by Stephen Bly. I don't know if it's the writer's style, or whether it was the basic idea behind the novel which annoyed me, but whatever it was I didn't like it. I found the novel hard to follow.

Basically the novel is about a paperback writer who is having a hard time keeping fiction and non-fiction straight. So he's traveling home, and he apparently has this exciting adventure, which didn't actually happen, but he imagined it. The whole time you are trying to figure out whether what's happening at that point in time is real, or made up. That's what makes it frustrating. A few times, I just wanted to stop reading it because I would get so frustrated. But I didn't. I persevered. I definitely won't be reading it again though.

Alright onward to another book. Until next time, happy reading!