I've finally finished another novel. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I read this book in high school for a book club and I remember enjoying it, and I asked for it for Christmas a couple years ago (or perhaps it was last year...I can't remember) and while I was home a few weeks ago on a break, I decided to pick it up and re-read it. I saw the movie over the summer, and that was pretty fresh in my mind...However, the book definitely differs especially in the time-line. I won't get into it, because I don't really want to ruin either the book or the movie for you.
For those of you who have been living under a rock: this book is about a 14-year-old girl who was murdered by her neighbour and she watches down from her heaven. She follows her family as well as a few friends over the course of many years, hoping that her family and the police will solve her murder so that her family can have peace of mind. It follows the changes that occur in her family's life and how her death helped shape the lives of others in her community, and although she believed that she was insignificant, this is untrue because she changed the lives of others (even in small ways.)
I enjoyed reading this novel and would recommend it to anyone who wants a quick read. I must advise you though that it's definitely not like the movie, and you should've read the book first and then watched the movie. But what can you do!
Onward to re-reading Harry Potter! Hopefully I'll write another entry soon! Until then, Happy Reading!