Thursday, December 29, 2011

To Say Nothing of the Dog (~)

I've finally finished another book. Of course it took me FOREVER, which I apologize for. But you know how it is. I'm now currently employed at 2 jobs, so that's taken up a lot of my time, not to mention the Christmas season came upon us, so that was quite busy. But I'm now going to try and make some time to read during my day (on breaks or whatever). Anyway, I finished the book: To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. I found it to be an interesting read, because it involved time-travel, but at times it was quite heavy on the sci-fi. However, it was interesting seeing how everything seemed to connect together even though it seemed completely random.

This book follows a main character by the name of Ned Henry who is a historian/time-traveller from the future. His main job was to bring back an ugly vase (I guess you could call it that haha) for the consecration of a cathedral. He was sent back however, into the 19th century to fix an incongruity that had occurred because of a fellow historian. He tried to fix it, and yet seemed to make things worse. The time-space continuum fixed the incongruity itself without the help of Ned. After the 19th century incongruity was fixed, Ned focused his attention on trying to find the bishop bird's stump (the ugly vase), which in the end he found.

Anyway, as you can see the plot of this book is incredibly complicated, and at times hard to follow. But as long as you don't take long pauses between chapters/reading it, you can make out just fine. HOWEVER, if you do, then you're kind of sort of screwed. Even though it was complex, I still enjoyed reading it. I don't think I'd recommend it to anyone, unless they had a lot of time to read it.

I'm not sure what I'll be reading next, but I'm sure it will probably be an ebook. Until then, Happy Reading!