Finished Stieg Larsson's The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I had started it before in hard copy, but couldn't stomach the first 40 pages, so I stopped, got rid of the hard copy, and then got all three of the books in epub format, and put them on my ereader. Everyone I know who has read them recommends them, so of course, I decided to read them. Not to mention C.L. has been hassling me to watch the movie, but I refused because I hadn't read the book yet. Anyway, I've read it, and honestly, once I got about 100 pages in, I didn't want to stop reading it! At first I wasn't sure how Salander fit in to the story line, but I just had to keep reading. The only thing is that Salander is so mysterious, I really want to know more about her past! I've started the second book so maybe it will explain it a bit more. I guess I'll find out soon enough!
Anyway, this book follows Mikael Blomkvist, a financial journalist who was ruined by a larger company (serving time in jail for libel, etc.) as he sets off to a lonely, out of the way island to solve a long ago family mystery for the Vanger family. He solves it, but he's in for a ride along the way.
Honestly, this mystery isn't spectacular, and the characters aren't all that well developed, but the reason I gave it such a high rating is because it kept me hooked the whole time, and I really enjoyed reading it. I would recommend it to anyone, but I would encourage them to keep reading it even if they found the first 40-100 pages to be extremely boring or random. Anyway, I'm going to continue to read the 2nd book in the trilogy, so until I finish that one, Happy Reading!