Saturday, June 13, 2009

Eclipse (~)

Well here I am. I finished Eclipse (book 3 of the Twilight saga) by Stephenie Meyers today. Again, I found it irritating. Bella realizes that she's in love with not only Edward, but also with Jacob. The 2 boys hate each other (sworn enemies--one werewolf, one vampire), and yet Bella can't help but torture both of them by leading them on. She continuously says that she loves Edward, and yet she always goes running to Jacob whenever something goes wrong. I want to slap her. She's one of those girls who I absolutely hate in real life, the one who wants 2 men (or more) but gets upset with herself when she realizes what a bitch she is, but doesn't stop herself from treating those 2 guys like crap. I suppose I should say something good about the novel, seeing as the rating I gave it was '~'. This book made me think about my boyfriend, and how much I miss him. I think I gave it a semi-good rating mostly because it wasn't irritating the whole way through. Mostly in the very beginning and at the end. So the middle part was pretty good, I guess.

Anyway, this book is about how there is a vampire who is hunting down Bella, and is making 'newborns' who are uncontrollable. Anyway, it all ends up with the werewolves and the Cullens fighting together against Victoria (the hunting vampire) and the newborns to save Bella. Bella also chooses between Jacob and Edward. She decides on Edward, but the only way to be changed into a vampire by Edward is if Bella marries him first. So the book ends with Bella and Edward's 'sister' Alice planning their wedding. Aww how sweet...

Alright, time to start the final book in the series. Until next time, happy reading!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Moon (~)

I finished the 2nd book in the Twilight Saga. New Moon by Stephenie Meyers. Surprisingly enough, I actually liked this one better than the 1st.  I don't know whether it's because there was less mushy stuff in it than the first or whether Stephenie Meyers writing has gotten better (which is probably doubtful). I'm not saying that I loved this book, and would save it in my bookshelf, and re-read it hundreds of times; all I'm saying is that it was better than the first. Definitely not worth saving on my bookshelf though.

So basically, this book was about how Edward left Bella because he didn't think it was safe that he was around her so much. Bella goes into depression, and the only way that she was pulled out of said depression was by a guy named Jacob, who incidentally becomes a werewolf, and incidentally the werewolves and vampires are enemies, so once Edward comes back (after Bella saves him from committing suicide) Bella can't see her best friend. Oh, and now Bella has 4 other problems: another evil vampire is 'tracking her', an evil vampire family that is considered royalty will kill her if she doesn't become a vampire by the next time they see her, her father has grounded her for what seems like life, oh and if Edward's family bites her on the neck to turn her into a vampire, the werewolves (who just happen to be indians) will hunt them down and kill them, Bella included because of a treaty that Edward's family signed. What a conundrum!  Just seems like one thing after another, and honestly, it's a little tiring hearing Bella whine in the book about how she has so much going on in her life. SHE BROUGHT IT ON HERSELF, GODDAMNIT!

Anyway, enough ranting about this series...Now onward to the 3rd book: Eclipse.

Until then, Happy Reading!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Twilight (↓)

I've finished a book. I've finally started reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers. I'm going to read the whole series to say I've read them, but honestly, I don't really like them. I couldn't wait for Twilight to be over when I was reading it.

Anyway, for those of you who have been living in a hole the past few years, Twilight is about a human girl who falls in love with a vampire. The whole book is so far-fetched in the romance department, that it almost makes you sick to read. It almost ruins the ideals young women (teenagers, seeing as that is the audience this book is written for) that they should be expecting for love when they get into a relationship. It also can influence the young women to believe that no matter what trouble they get into their 'knight in shining armour' will come to rescue them, which isn't always true.

Overall, I have to say that I didn't really like the book. The characters were too basic (and annoying...), the storyline was dumb and basic, and the writing was too simple.  I would recommend it to anyone who wants a quick and easy read that they don't have to think about, and won't be nagging them later with unanswered questions. You can definitely tell it was written for a younger audience by comparing the writing of Ms. Meyers with any adult fiction writer.

anyway, I am onward to reading the 2nd novel in the series. Let's hope I enjoy it a little more than the last one.

Until next time, 
Happy reading everyone!