I've finished a book, and I must say, it's one of the best ones I've read in a really long time. It's called The Twelve Little Cakes and was written by Dominika Dery. It's a memoir of her life growing up in Communist Czechoslovakia. Although, her description of Prague during this time paints it as a run down city (probably because of the communist regime), she really did live a full life and was able to have (most of) the same experiences other children could have. It made me sad to read about the conditions in this country, but also I couldn't help but smile at the antics the child would partake in. She was a precocious little girl, and the things that would happen to her and her family actually caused me to chuckle to myself a few times. I would recommend this novel to ANYONE! Whether they want to learn something about Eastern European history, or just want an amusing story to read about.
I don't want to give away too much information about this novel, but basically this book follows the life of Dominika Dery (the author) from age 3 to about age 10. Her parents were dissidents and so they were shunned and constantly persecuted by the communist police. Although her family didn't have much money, they still succeeded in giving Dominika and her sister a good life full of fun and love.
It's definitely a favourite, and I will NOT give it up (and surprisingly I only spent $1 on it at Zellers!) Anyway, until next time, Happy Reading.
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