Sunday, January 2, 2011

Confessions of a Shopaholic (~)

I've finished a book on my new eReader! A. gave it to me for Christmas. I wasn't expecting it at all! Considering I had already ordered one from Future Shop online, it was quite unexpected! Anyway, enough about that. I finished Sophie Kinsella's Confessions of a Shopaholic. It's quite an easy read, and can be defined as 'chick lit'. It's brainless reading which is nice.

This book is about a woman who has problems with debt. She consistently over spends, and refuses to take responsibility for her actions. She's quite frustrating actually, and I don't know how many times, I just wanted to smack her in the face or shake her to make her see reason. I can also see where she is coming from. I think I have a bit of a spending problem (not quite as bad as her, thankfully), and owning up to that problem is the first step. Thankfully, I do pay my bills on time, and have no issues with that, but I do make secret purchases, and I hate telling others about them.  It's something I've been working on, and will probably continue to work on, even when I get my own job.

This book is relatable, but also quite frustrating for those of us who are actually responsible. Thankfully at the end, she does smarten up, but she's still kind of stupid. Who could really be that materialistic?  But I suppose that's the draw of novels. The unrealistic characters are typically the ones you like the most, mostly because they take you away from reality.

Anyway, I will probably read the whole series, so you'll see quite the line of these novels. I don't know how long it will take me however, so until next time, Happy Reading!

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