Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Secret Kept (~)

Finished another book! Not as quickly as the James Patterson one, but quickly compared to the last few books! This time I finished A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay. Although I enjoyed this book, I can't say it's my favourite, nor that it's as gripping as Sarah's Key. I just didn't find the storyline as interesting. Although there was an internal struggle in the main character, honestly, I didn't find it as heart wrenching as her other novel. I'm not saying I hate it (as you can see from the rating I gave it, there were some redeeming qualities) I'm just saying it's not my favourite. I certainly didn't get bored with it, and I wanted to continue to read it, but I'm not sure if that was because I wanted to see if there was more depth to it, or if it was truly interesting for me.

This novel follows a man who had gotten into a terrible car accident with his sister when they were returning from celebrating her 40th birthday at their childhood vacation spot. His sister about to tell him a flashback she had encountered during their stay there when she veered off the road. During her recovery, she told him that she remembers going to their mother's room and seeing her laying there naked with another woman. Antoine then spent the rest of the novel determining who this woman was and why/how their mother died. There are other personal/familial events that occur that honestly confused me a bit as to why they were even in the novel, but I'm not going to mention them as I don't deem them important.

I believe this book is a meh read. You can read it if you like, but don't compare it to Sarah's Key as you will most likely be disappointed.  I must say though, this won't stop me from reading more of her novels as they come out! Anyway, I'm off to read a Dean Koontz book! Until then, happy reading!

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