Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Alchemist (~)

I've finished another book quite quickly. It's The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It's a well written novel, but it's quite spiritual, which I hadn't expected so it's kind of a deep subject. It talks quite a lot about a 'Personal Legend' which I assume is another way of saying, 'finding yourself'. I'm not really sure, as they didn't really go into depth.

This novel is about a young shepherd boy who has a vision one night about an old king who tells him to go on an adventure to find treasure in Egypt by the Pyramids. He sells all his sheep and heads out on his adventure meeting an alchemist along the way who helps him discover the Soul of the World and how to turn lead into gold, and make the Elixir of Life. It continues on until he finds his treasure and decides to go back to the woman he loves and marries her. It's quite a short novel, and quite spiritual, so I don't think I will recommend it to anyone unless they want some heavy reading.

I have another library ebook to read, and then I will go back to reading books I already bought or someone loaned me. Until next time, Happy Reading!

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