Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Hunger Games (↑)

I've finished another book. It was an awesome read, and I can't wait to continue reading the rest of the trilogy. Although it was written for young adults, you can see that there could be some hidden meaning further down, if you keep digging. As I'm sure you've probably noticed, that's not really me, so I haven't dug for that hidden meaning.

This novel is set in the future in a dystopian North American country. After a rebellion, the government of the country decided that in order to exert control over its citizens, they would force 2 children from every district (there are 12) into what's called the Hunger Games, and they must fight 'til death. It's incredibly disturbing to think that a government would do such a thing. But I suppose that could almost go on in the Middle East, and we'd never know. However, the Games are televised nationally so that everyone can root for their own tribute. Anyway, this follows a 16-year-old girl who ends up winning the Games, but is now going to have to fight for her life in order to survive after the Hunger Games.

Not much else to say other than, READ THIS BOOK!!! I don't know when I'll get to read the other 2 novels, so I'm going back to reading another book. Until next time, Happy reading!

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