Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Distant Hours (~)

I told you I was going to be finishing a book shortly, and I did! I actually finished it last night only because it had taken about 2mos to read it. Mostly, because I was reading other books during. Some that were taken out from the library, others that were loaned to me (The Hunger Games trilogy). I've finished the book: The Distant Hours by Kate Morton. Anyway, this book was LOOOONG and drawn out with twists. I guess the twists in the ending made it more intriguing to read, especially as you were nearing the end. The reason I gave it the rating I did was because it was so long, and really not that interesting. It gave a lot of backstory which is nice, but I don't think it was always necessary.

This book is about a woman named Eddie who learns that her mother was an evacuee during the war, and lived with a strange family in a castle. She went to the castle and discovered a mystery surrounding what happened to one of the sisters' (who lived in the castle) fiances. She goes about solving it, but never really gets to the whodunit part because the castle burnt down with the sisters inside. It does explain it through flashback chapters after the castle burns down and so you learn what happened exactly. Of course there was a twist in the whodunit, but that's to be expected with this author.

It's a nice mystery without a lot of murdering and serial killers, but still with a twist. I've read a novel by this author previously, so I will probably read more of hers, but I might not do it right away. I'm debating whether to read a Jodi Picoult novel, or if I should read a Phillipa Gregory novel. We'll see!

Until next time, Happy Reading!

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