Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mockingjay (~)

I finished this book a couple weeks ago, but completely forgot to write about it! I finished the last book in the trilogy, Mockingjay. It is so much darker than the others, focussing mostly on the horrible deaths during the rebellion as well as the nasty injuries that occurred.

Basically, this novel focuses on the rebellion that Katniss started by rebelling in the Hunger Games in the first book. It goes throughout her fighting against the president, and working through the problems she's had with Peeta, and ends (kind of) happily.

I can't remember much, since it's been a couple weeks since I finished it, but it was an alright book. But it's hard to be as awesome as the first novel in a series, but it was still pretty epic, but also horribly graphic. I did find it difficult however, to visualize what was going on, as well as the surroundings, but I don't know if that's because of the author's ability to illustrate via words, or if that's just imagination's fault. Hard to tell, haha

Anyway, I'm going to be finishing another book very shortly, so you'll see another post quite soon. Until then, Happy Reading!

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